Kim Schaefer's Blog
What do fitness, physical development, beauty, and sex appeal have in common?
Why, Kim Schaefer's Blog, of course. Kim Schaeffer is an up and coming physique artist who puts a lot of work into her personal training business and in her fitness competitions and it clearly shows as she credits her latest physical condition to a new supplement that boosted her strength, explains about her photo shoots and competitions, and basically shows us once again that physical fitness and feminine beauty not only are compatible but also all but inseparable.
Why, Kim Schaefer's Blog, of course. Kim Schaeffer is an up and coming physique artist who puts a lot of work into her personal training business and in her fitness competitions and it clearly shows as she credits her latest physical condition to a new supplement that boosted her strength, explains about her photo shoots and competitions, and basically shows us once again that physical fitness and feminine beauty not only are compatible but also all but inseparable.
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