Congressional Leaders Attack Real Talk Radio --- But Americans Are Fighting Back
In recent months a number of Democratic House and Senate leaders, as well as an Independent Senator who, with socialist views, tends to poll with the Dems, have called for the reimposition of an insidious form of censorship that would stifle the development of radio.
This form of censorship was imposed upon broadcasters from 1949 to 1987 but was repealed when it was found to have constrained open political discourse.
Enter the so-called 'Fairness' Doctrine.
Initially introduced by US House Representative Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) in January as a means of "reforming" the media and forcibly instilling "balance", simply because people like him have failed in talk radio.
You may recall that Air America Radio --- a patently left-wing radio network whose commentators were more often than not loaded with irrational partisan hatred --- had a similar message that could already be heard in the following outlets:
* ABC News
* CBS News
* Cable News Network
* NBC News
* National Public Radio
* Public Broadcast Service
* Associated Press
* Most major newspapers like the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, the St Louis Post-Dispatch, and the Washington Post
* Most major news magazines like Time, Newsweek, and US News & World Report
And in the end the network wound up losing so much money, at least in part because they PAID stations to carry their material, that they have since entered receivership and are trying to recover.
And word is that Communist organisations like Communist Party USA (which was heavily funded by the Soviet Union), the Maoist-influenced Revolutionary Communist Party, and World Can't Wait are all complicit in the efforts to censor the airwaves.
Representative Hinchey --- joined by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, an Independent who has left-of-centre views --- have been supported in their efforts by patently anti-American left-of-centre billionaire George Soros, who has financed a number of left-leaning groups like the Massachusetts-based "Free Press" and other mellifluous-sounding front groups in effort to undermine freedom of speech and maybe even American society as a whole. Soros has also funded organisations dedicated to decriminalising dangerous illegal drugs, even to the point of sending security guards to attack those who protest his methods at public exhibitions.
And whilst the controlled media have been ignoring his numerous and ethical violations in his quest to steal power from and even censor the American people --- they have habitually mongered hatred toward independent media outlets like talk radio and internet-based news sites like NewsMax and WorldNetDaily and even bloggers, and even Fox News (which like MySpace, is a part of NewsCorp, albeit in a different division) as well, all because they have found ways to report the news without injecting their left-of-centre political biases and spin into the news.
They have also attacked the military, enforcement of immigration policy, business, and even innocent people like the Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of rape, not to mention overexaggerating social problems like homelessness, and even demonised religious conservatives.
Another leftist group, the so-called Centre for American Progress, have bemoaned the dominance of conservatives in talk radio by calling it "structural imbalance" in a fake report.
Now, the conservatives are fighting back, not only by contacting their Congressional representatives, but also by introducing, then passing, a bill that would prohibit the reimposition of the "Fairness" Doctrine without an Act of Congress.
The National Association of Broadcasters' CEO and president, David Rehr, has himself condemned the "Fairness Doctrine", citing the numbers of media outlets available today, with more than 13 000 radio stations, more than 1 700 television stations, and a myriad of websites with visual, video, and audio outlets catering to basically any viewpoint in America.
One needs to remember that with the Left --- especially in the editorial desks --- openly promoting a more neoliberal viewpoint that condemns America, condemns conservatism, and condemns freedom --- the marketplace has opened with the advent of myriad cable and satellite channels, including more television news sources, the growth of real talk radio, and the growth of internet-based news sites --- thus leading to the successes of folks like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Neal Boortz.
And that is the basic rule of the marketplace: You MUST be able to deliver a product the people actually want. With the liberal media dominating print and television news, millions of Americans have chosen to go with real talk radio; Air America Radio failed precisely because the audiences decided that they did not want to hear the same thing that they could easily see on no fewer than six television news channels, read in most major newspapers, or read in most major news magazines.
But because the Left have failed to attract an audience they seek to force-feed their message to the general public, most of whom have determined that they do not want that type of agenda embedded in their news coverage.
And ironically one of their own hosts has been badly burnt at least in part by another controversial talk radio host who aggressively shut down a rival: Al Sharpton, who himself hosts a show carried on 21 stations, led a campaign to bust Don Imus off CBS Radio and MSNBC over his controversial derogatory remarks about the Rutgers University women's basketball team.
Whilst Imus himself did a lot of damage to his career and his credibility --- he willingly apologised publicly and again to the Rutgers team --- incidentally on the same night New Jersey Democratic Governor John Corzine was injured in a wreck caused by a speeding state trooper who crashed the SUV through a guardrail at 91 miles an hour and Corzine was not wearing his seat belt.
But inasmuch damage as he did to himself with his racist comments --- Imus also apologised, and after he was basically driven off the air by racists like Al Sharpton (who has openly condemned Whites and may have contributed to the deaths of several Hispanic employees of a neighbourhood clothing store that burnt in the late 1980s) and Jesse Jackson (who is infamous for his anti-Semitic remarks) --- he even saw fit to file a lawsuit against CBS for breach of contract.
Sharpton was further aided and abetted in his efforts by a rather left-leaning group, Media Matters for America, who not only attempted to have Rush Limbaugh removed from Armed Forces Radio but are funded by Soros as well.
Was the Don Imus affair a dry run to make a charge against the ever-dominant talk radio host Rush Limbaugh? One county government in Florida did consider withdrawing their association with a Miami-area talk radio station because the station carry his show.
And now Senators are debating the matter, just after the House passed the Broadcast Freedom Act. Maybe you too could get involved in this effort, as the reality is people from both the left AND the right regularly get their points heard on real talk radio. Here is a site that will help you get started on that.
And if we don't start standing up to the censors who would want to silence real talk radio right now, there is no question that a onesided media would be forced upon the populace --- and then the next step would be forcible viewing and/or listening of the same onesided media --- and then other outlets would soon wind up under government censorship diktats.
Whether or not you agree with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Michael Savage and Neal Boortz and Glenn Beck and Bill Bennett, you have got to admit that the reimposition of the "Fairness" Doctrine would interfere with your freedom of speech, not to mention your freedom of choice in how you get news, information, and commentary, not to mention even entertainment.
This form of censorship was imposed upon broadcasters from 1949 to 1987 but was repealed when it was found to have constrained open political discourse.
Enter the so-called 'Fairness' Doctrine.
Initially introduced by US House Representative Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) in January as a means of "reforming" the media and forcibly instilling "balance", simply because people like him have failed in talk radio.
You may recall that Air America Radio --- a patently left-wing radio network whose commentators were more often than not loaded with irrational partisan hatred --- had a similar message that could already be heard in the following outlets:
* ABC News
* CBS News
* Cable News Network
* NBC News
* National Public Radio
* Public Broadcast Service
* Associated Press
* Most major newspapers like the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, the St Louis Post-Dispatch, and the Washington Post
* Most major news magazines like Time, Newsweek, and US News & World Report
And in the end the network wound up losing so much money, at least in part because they PAID stations to carry their material, that they have since entered receivership and are trying to recover.
And word is that Communist organisations like Communist Party USA (which was heavily funded by the Soviet Union), the Maoist-influenced Revolutionary Communist Party, and World Can't Wait are all complicit in the efforts to censor the airwaves.
Representative Hinchey --- joined by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, an Independent who has left-of-centre views --- have been supported in their efforts by patently anti-American left-of-centre billionaire George Soros, who has financed a number of left-leaning groups like the Massachusetts-based "Free Press" and other mellifluous-sounding front groups in effort to undermine freedom of speech and maybe even American society as a whole. Soros has also funded organisations dedicated to decriminalising dangerous illegal drugs, even to the point of sending security guards to attack those who protest his methods at public exhibitions.
And whilst the controlled media have been ignoring his numerous and ethical violations in his quest to steal power from and even censor the American people --- they have habitually mongered hatred toward independent media outlets like talk radio and internet-based news sites like NewsMax and WorldNetDaily and even bloggers, and even Fox News (which like MySpace, is a part of NewsCorp, albeit in a different division) as well, all because they have found ways to report the news without injecting their left-of-centre political biases and spin into the news.
They have also attacked the military, enforcement of immigration policy, business, and even innocent people like the Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of rape, not to mention overexaggerating social problems like homelessness, and even demonised religious conservatives.
Another leftist group, the so-called Centre for American Progress, have bemoaned the dominance of conservatives in talk radio by calling it "structural imbalance" in a fake report.
Now, the conservatives are fighting back, not only by contacting their Congressional representatives, but also by introducing, then passing, a bill that would prohibit the reimposition of the "Fairness" Doctrine without an Act of Congress.
The National Association of Broadcasters' CEO and president, David Rehr, has himself condemned the "Fairness Doctrine", citing the numbers of media outlets available today, with more than 13 000 radio stations, more than 1 700 television stations, and a myriad of websites with visual, video, and audio outlets catering to basically any viewpoint in America.
One needs to remember that with the Left --- especially in the editorial desks --- openly promoting a more neoliberal viewpoint that condemns America, condemns conservatism, and condemns freedom --- the marketplace has opened with the advent of myriad cable and satellite channels, including more television news sources, the growth of real talk radio, and the growth of internet-based news sites --- thus leading to the successes of folks like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Neal Boortz.
And that is the basic rule of the marketplace: You MUST be able to deliver a product the people actually want. With the liberal media dominating print and television news, millions of Americans have chosen to go with real talk radio; Air America Radio failed precisely because the audiences decided that they did not want to hear the same thing that they could easily see on no fewer than six television news channels, read in most major newspapers, or read in most major news magazines.
But because the Left have failed to attract an audience they seek to force-feed their message to the general public, most of whom have determined that they do not want that type of agenda embedded in their news coverage.
And ironically one of their own hosts has been badly burnt at least in part by another controversial talk radio host who aggressively shut down a rival: Al Sharpton, who himself hosts a show carried on 21 stations, led a campaign to bust Don Imus off CBS Radio and MSNBC over his controversial derogatory remarks about the Rutgers University women's basketball team.
Whilst Imus himself did a lot of damage to his career and his credibility --- he willingly apologised publicly and again to the Rutgers team --- incidentally on the same night New Jersey Democratic Governor John Corzine was injured in a wreck caused by a speeding state trooper who crashed the SUV through a guardrail at 91 miles an hour and Corzine was not wearing his seat belt.
But inasmuch damage as he did to himself with his racist comments --- Imus also apologised, and after he was basically driven off the air by racists like Al Sharpton (who has openly condemned Whites and may have contributed to the deaths of several Hispanic employees of a neighbourhood clothing store that burnt in the late 1980s) and Jesse Jackson (who is infamous for his anti-Semitic remarks) --- he even saw fit to file a lawsuit against CBS for breach of contract.
Sharpton was further aided and abetted in his efforts by a rather left-leaning group, Media Matters for America, who not only attempted to have Rush Limbaugh removed from Armed Forces Radio but are funded by Soros as well.
Was the Don Imus affair a dry run to make a charge against the ever-dominant talk radio host Rush Limbaugh? One county government in Florida did consider withdrawing their association with a Miami-area talk radio station because the station carry his show.
And now Senators are debating the matter, just after the House passed the Broadcast Freedom Act. Maybe you too could get involved in this effort, as the reality is people from both the left AND the right regularly get their points heard on real talk radio. Here is a site that will help you get started on that.
And if we don't start standing up to the censors who would want to silence real talk radio right now, there is no question that a onesided media would be forced upon the populace --- and then the next step would be forcible viewing and/or listening of the same onesided media --- and then other outlets would soon wind up under government censorship diktats.
Whether or not you agree with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Michael Savage and Neal Boortz and Glenn Beck and Bill Bennett, you have got to admit that the reimposition of the "Fairness" Doctrine would interfere with your freedom of speech, not to mention your freedom of choice in how you get news, information, and commentary, not to mention even entertainment.