
What the HELL justifies the DUMBASSED decision to basically let a paedophile who got into our public school system off the hook with no more than a slap on the wrist, just because the family of the victim are too worried about the publicity?
This is the aftermath of the foul decision in Florida to let teacher-turned-paedophile Debra Lafave off the hook for raping an underaged male student.
And what is even MORE sickening is this problem is incredibly common, that our public schools would become infiltrated with paedophiles.
Take the 2002 case of paedophile principal Rita Wilson, who subjected underaged female secondary school students at Rancho Bernardo High School in San Diego to "panty checks" under some perverse notion that teens might be wearing thong bikini panties under their skirts and dresses to school dances.
Personally I would prefer thongs not be made available to minors...OOOH I would like to wring the neck of the perverse cretin who developed the "kiddie thong".
That said, it's NOT the principals' OR ANY OTHER TEACHERS' business WHAT THE HELL children wear under their damn dresses skirts shorts and trousers!
And yet the sick neoliberal fringe leftists that have overrun the San Diego public school administration saw fit to merely demote Rita to teacher.
If that school board actually HAD any damn common sense AND if San Diego had actually had a prosecutor who gave a good God damn about children AND education AND the integrity of the education system Rita Wilson would be sitting in a PRISON CELL IN CHOWCHILLA or FRONTERA...WHERE SHE BELONGS!!!!
And now we come back to the high-profile case of the paedophile teacher Debra Lafave who was rising in her profession as a very beautiful young instructor in the Tampa area...and then started befriending one student, about14 years of age.
Whilst there is no question that teachers should reach out to their students the approach that Debra Lafave undertook was absolutely abysmal.
When Debra Lafave resorted to sexual intercourse to reach her students she committed a grave act of paedophilia.
At one point the jackass who represented her in court, John Fitzgibbons, clearly demonstrated his willingness to sacrifice children's innocence and rights not to be molested by paedophiles even and especially in the classroom...where they are conveniently appeased by fringe minority neoliberal neosocialist neocommunist punks who seek to encourage ALL forms of extreme deviancy in the name of so-called "diversity".
Well, if this is what "passes" for "diversity", I WANT NO PART OF THAT, ESPECIALLY NOT IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS!
THIS IS the kind of crap that is driving more and more parents out of public schools and into private schools and homeschooling, both of which have exploded in popularity in recent years as galloping neocommunist neototalitarian anti-American political castration has overrun school curricula, purposely accelerating the stupefying of our youth, brainwashing them with condoms on cucumbers in the second grade and teaching third graders how to "Care" for the Earth by planting a tree, yet not even bothering to teach proper math, nor even history the way it really happened.
And with paedophiles purposely being "outed" in the Roman Catholic Church this has become an even greater concern: What about the paedophiles in the public schools? I guess the NAMBLA idiots are PERFECTLY acceptable according to the neocommunists who seem to think that it's OK to attack churches seeing that they don't believe in God, yet they will bend over backward to protect them in the teaching profession, even to the point of extending "tenure" to such filth.
And so it is with this case: The teachers' unions---a group of Mafia fronts---see NO problem with appeasing even the most despicable teachers, especially paedophiles like Mary Kay Letourneau, who is now married to her rape victim, Vili Fuulaau, who fathered two of her children as a young teen and has subsequently been subjected to intensive psychological damage, Rita Wilson, and now Debra Lafave.
Of course Mary Kay has spent her time in prison, but Rita and Debra have gotten off with a slap on the wrist. At least Debra has surrendered her teaching licence...which is of no real comfort either to parents or other truly decent-minded folks.
Maybe the time has come to PERMANENTLY ABOLISHING "TENURE" in the education profession. After all, even politicians don't get "tenure"!
Beyond that we have to look at John Fitzgibbons' claim, his blatant lie of, To place an attractive young woman in that kind of hell hole is like putting a piece of raw meat in with the lions, I'm not sure she would survive.
And that is EXACTLY the 180 DEGREES WRONG approach to handling this case: If we are to buy John Fitzgibbons' lie that "to place an attractive young womanin that kind of hell hole is like putting a piece of raw meat in with the lions", then he is insinuating that beautiful women who break the law should automatically be exempt from criminal prosecution.
Taking that into consideration, does that mean that (taking graphic at top of this entry, from left) Paula Abdul, Taylor Dayne, Ann Curless, Tracy Turner, Dayna Devon, and Jacintha Wesselingh should, if they EVER violate the law, be allowed to use the "I'm too gorgeous for jail" argument?
My understanding is Paula Abdul just had to deal with some charges to an alleged hit-and-run in Los Angeles. Maybe now the Pop Idol judge could renegotiate her consequences with Fitzgibbons on her side.
Does that mean now that Taylor Dayne could get away with a drunken brawl because of the 80s/90s dance music diva's beauty...or even her voice? "Not only is she gorgeous but she sings like a Black woman too, so let's toss that case."
And surely Ann Curless---the drop dead gorgeous tall blonde lead singer of Expose'---which is my all-time favourite music group---could now justify speeding at 240 kilometros an hour in a 24km/h (15mi/h) school zone in her native Miami, Florida, claiming she is too beautiful to have to face speeding tickets and jail time for endangering primary school students. "Oh, and she outshone Jeanette Jurado, Gioia Bruno, and Kelly Moneymaker in the vocal AND looks departments, too, but they didn't use her vocals on lead nearly enough, shame on Lewis Martinee, what the hell was he thinking?"
Next comes Tracy Turner, another drop dead gorgeous tall blonde, who used to work at local television stations in Springfield and Joplin, Missouri, before relocating to her native Boise, Idaho to continue her career in 2000, what if the towering (6-foot-plus) news diva were to drive through a police roadblock in a speeding Hummer H2 and injure four policemen? What's Fitzgibbons going to do, get her off scotfree because she's so irresistibly beautiful (which she REALLY truly is)? "And besides, great journalists are in such short supply, let's just hope we can get her on DNN or Most Soitenly Nuthin' But Crap, just not on Fox News where those neocons can corrupt her!"
Now we come to Dayna Devon. Let's say she drinks too much wine at dinner with her husband---a SURGEON---and gets behind the wheel AGAINST HIS ADVICE---then mows down a homeless drunkard in Chinatown Los Angeles going 140km/h? Is Johnny Fitzgibbons going to bail her ass out of a criminal case on the same premise? "And besides, she's the SEXIEST presenter Extra has ever had, Warner Brothers Television should fire Mark McGrath and make her the sole presenter (all you Yankees read: Anchor)."
Last but certainly not least we go north of the border into Canada, what effect would Jacintha Wessselingh (ya SIN tah VESS'l-LING) have upon the criminal justice system of Canada, or at least the province of Ontario, if the CTV ETalk television reporter drove a Jeep Cherokee through the local botanical gardens in Toronto then ran through a police barricade at 120km/h before leading Ontario Provincial Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on a 100km chase down the 401 Freeway before she were finally forced off the road and taken to jail in handcuffs and leg irons? Is that bastard John Fitzgibbons going to cross the border to get her off scotfree from those charges? "But you have to understand, Canadians absolutely want her back on ETalk, where she belongs, and what about that brilliant interview with Shania Twain for receiving the Order Of Canada award? And besides, she is SOOOO HOT! you gotta let her go, Your Honour."
Well, let me tell you folks, if THAT should ever become the case, then American...and even Canadian society for that matter...is about to crumble like Rome did, on the basis of people behaving irresponsibly with beauties getting off scotfree and yet ugly broads looking like Madonna, Natalie Moron from the Dixie Whores, Debrita Gibson (Skating With Celebrities), Whiffany (I think we're alone now, Coulda been, Radio romance, All this time), andShitlery Rotten Clinton get WHAT?
Folks, that is a HORRIBLE concept that could become the case if we are NOT careful. WE MUST MANDATE that people are held accountable for their own actions and MUST be subject to the SAME standards no matter how BEAUTIFUL or how UGLY you are!
And that INCLUDES paedophiles in the education profession: They MUST POSITIVELY be rooted out and arrested and jailed and permanently disqualified from education jobs!
And this ties into another main concern of mine: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. How the HELL is it that Bill Clinton---the never-elected media puppet whom the liberal media selected TWICE in the 1990s---was able to get away with rape, murder plots, drugs, and scandals like Whitewatergate, Fornigate, FBI-Investi-Gate, Lippogate, and Lewinskygate?
ANSWER: The same irresponsibility that is running rampant in our public schools which appease the paedophiles and other undesirable folks under the guise of "tenure" was also encouraged by the controlled media, who would have loved Bill Clinton even if the Fat Fornicator had gotten the SPICE GIRLS pregnant and then FATHERED TWINS WITH GERI HALLIWELL!

Governor Ventura is telling the truth.

As we can clearly see there is a HELL of a lot of problems that can result when our societal institutions allow the abdication of personal responsibility and the appeasement of bad behaviour for any reason.
INCLUDING with vain concern for the criminal's appearance and attractiveness.
News & Updates---Heather Pedigo
A little info about Heather: She is not only tall blonde and drop dead gorgeous but also very muscular, and in a VERY eye-pleasing, eye-catching, and eye-popping way.
I have always regarded muscular women as having superlative sex appeal and embodying unparallelled eroticism.
And Heather certainly qualifies in those categories, this coming from having lifted for six years and teaching aerobics for five more before that, a true testament that strength training can improve a woman's body.
Myself I regard people with narrow-minded attitudes about muscular women as being jealous because people like Heather Pedigo have such sexy hot hard bodies and they don't. To the haters chugging that Haterade I say, Deal with it. Here's $20, go to Walmart and get a case of toilet paper, because your attitude's BUTT!
And besides if you were to get a look at what a tall muscular woman usually looks like, if you're chugging that Haterade, you'll slam on the brakes and change your impression about sexy muscular women altogether.
And if you already DO love muscular women, well, let's just say you will fall head over heels for that hottie.
And you might even enjoy her musical tastes, listening to older AOR (album oriented rock) and dance music and urban music. She even gets in a cardio workout watching Pop Idol!
All I can say is, Go see her blog AND her site. You WILL be pleasantly surprised.
And for you young ladies having personal body image issues, Heather's gorgeous physique will SURELY assuage your fears and permanently reform those issues...and next thing YOU know YOU'LL be flexing your own 19-inch guns (just like Heather!)
OK folks that is just about enough gushing for now. Gotta get some sleep because I have to go to work later this AM in NW Arkansas. CHEERS!
Dubai Ports World Didn't Exactly Lie To Us BUT...
DPW have now decided to slow down the pace of their selloff in the wake of their acquisition of P&O, this according to an email circulated by DPW's American Vice President, Robert Scavone.
Now it appears that they do not plan to unsettle the labourers at their Miami port operations.
However they must remember that the American people are impatient to see this resolution through...and after that other foreign owned ports operations and other infrastructure operations are sure to be heavily scrutinised.
As well it should be.
If we are not careful to verify the buyers of such structures then what is the point of even having them especially if they could easily abuse the elements for ill will. That is exactly why this deal did not pass America's smell test. And we feared terrorist infiltration for good reason: If this deal had been allowed to go through, how long would it have been before the Red Chinese would have taken the White House and the Military under its own "management"?
Bad Umpire, Good Game: The Run That Should Have Counted
And as a Boston Red Sox fan I was proud to see my Bosox win the 2004 World Series in a whopping comeback.
And now another major event has rocked the baseball world.
When the United States defeated Japan 4:3 in a World Baseball Congress game the latter were shocked by an outrageous call by a dumbassed umpire by the name of Brian Knight.
And let me tell you a bit about Knight's unpardonable sin:
With the score tied 3-3, Japan appeared to score the go-ahead run against Joe
Nathan in the eighth when Akinori Iwamura flied to left with one out and the
bases loaded. Tsuyoshi Nishioka tagged up from third and beat Randy Winn's throw
home to give Japan a 4-3 lead.
Second base umpire Brian Knight ruled
Nishioka safe but Team USA appealed the play, contending Nishioka left the base
before the ball was caught, and plate umpire Bob Davidson overruled the call
following a brief discussion with the other umpires.
Click HERE to read the rest of the story
And the row that resulted has reverbrated throughout Japanese society and even up to the prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi.
Even though the United States would still have won the game, but with a 5:4 margin, Japan certainly deserved to have that run count.
This episode shows us just how problematic officiating has become in organised sports. Too many fans are fed up with officials in sport who lack common sense. And yet we hear from athletic leagues that tell us not to criticise the umpire or the referee? When some idiot in stripes makes a horse manure call like this YOU DAMN RIGHT I'M GONNA CRITICISE THE UMPIRE!
Is Halliburton The Solution To Portgate?
Halliburton have been maligned for allegedly profiting from alleged "no-bid" contracts in the early days of Operation Iraqi Freedom---at least that is what Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) has claimed---but now Senator Schumer has expressed his desire for Halliburton to take over the ports that Dubai Ports World would be operating in the aftermath of their takeover of Peninsular and Orient.
And now Halliburton appear to be the solution toward a potential compromise---and there are at least two precedents.
The 1998 China Ocean Shipping Company takeover of Long Beach port terminals that had been in the hands of the US Navy was finally allowed in 2001 whent Cosco formed the alliance with Stevedoring Services of America to create the joint venture Pacific Maritime Services; Cosco---the Red Chinese government-owned shipping proprietary does hold a 51 percent ownership stake in PMS.
And then there is the president's new helicopter, built in a joint venture last year with Maryland-based Lockheed Martin and the British/Italian conglomerate AgustaWestland.
And what is more, the prospect of an American company buying out some or all of DPW's share in such a prospective deal would positively benefit America which would still own some elements of the shipping terminals...actually they might even bolster their share of ownership compared to what it has been with P&O.
There can be no vice in demanding a review period, however; but in the end Americans should still manage as much of the operations as possible.
I myself would like to see Halliburton or another American company handle ALL of the American port operations involved. It can only benefit American industry.
As much as Americans want bargain basement goods---they still demand certain standards.
And if foreign port ownership integrates significant American partnership as well they may be more open to the idea.
Nonetheless we have seen people who condemn those who oppose the deal as being anti-Arab. Nothing could be further from the truth: Even the commercial attachée to the UAE, Reem AlHashimy, has affirmed that the USA/UAE relationship will not be endangered adversely just because this deal fails.
I would prefer to see Halliburton offer a bid for the ports...and even one for less money to boot. And no they won't need to get rid of union labour...but they should be able to get tax breaks for offering benefits like healthcare and retirement funds.
Now THAT would be a good deal for our ports...and our security...and our country as well. Even President Reagan said, Trust but verify, and we are really emphasising the verify part right now.
Why The Portgate Deal Is Illegal
The Arab boycott of Jewish interests started as early as 1921 - 27 years before
the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. The boycott is still in
today under the auspices of the Arab League and its Central Boycott
Office in
Damascus, Syria, and includes not only products produced in
Israel, but also
companies that do business in or with Israel. The boycott
even goes as far as
blacklisting ships that have docked in Israeli ports,
regardless of the cargo's
point of origin or ultimate destination. In
response to the Arab boycott of
Israel, Congress passed a law creating the
Office of Antiboycott Compliance
within the Department of Commerce in 1977.
The law prohibits U.S. persons from
taking certain actions in support of an
unsanctioned foreign boycott against a
country that is friendly to the
United States. Because Israel is an ally of the
United States, and our
government does not sanction the Arab boycott of Israel,
the law prohibits
actions that further or support the Arab League boycott of
Israel. Since the
year 2000, a divest-from-Israel campaign has been gaining
momentum on
college campuses across the United States. Boycott Watch (www.boycottwatch.org), an
organization that examines boycotts and reports both sides of the story so
consumers can decide for themselves what the truth is and also the parent
organization of Divestment Watch, researched the anti-boycott laws and
that the law does indeed apply to the divest-from-Israel campaign
and has
challenged the campaign on its merit. In November 2003, Boycott
Watch sent a
letter to the Office of Antiboycott Compliance, furnishing
evidence that the
divest-from-Israel campaign is a direct function of the
Palestinian Authority,
which is a member of the Arab League and a signatory
to the Arab boycott of
Israel. Later, Boycott Watch furnished additional
information to the Office of
Antiboycott Compliance, about the Palestinian
Authority's effort to establish an
economic blockade of Israel in Malaysia.
This would effectively expand the scope
of the boycott and the Palestinian
Authority's economic warfare against Israel.
Boycott Watch reports on
consumer boycotts and violations of US law pertaining
to boycotts, including
illegal union and foreign boycotts. As a result of the
demand for
information with its leading role in the legal challenge to the
divest-from-Israel campaign, Boycott Watch created Divestment Watch to
concentrate on the divestment issue. Boycott Watch is now advising all
and universities that divest-from-Israel campaigns on their
campuses may be in
violation of the U.S. antiboycott law. Divestment is a
form of boycott - It is
the boycott of investment dollars. Divestment Watch
is actively reporting on the
illegal divestment/boycott campaign including
campus programs that promote the
illegal activity, lobbying for governmental
participation in the illegal
boycott, as well as business participation. By
understanding case histories and
the applicable laws, individuals become
empowered to warn potential participants
of the illegal nature of the
boycott as well as the tools to prevent such
And so we have a number of people who are still blind to reality, who don't even understand that in the United States we have a law against boycotting Israel, which is something that Dubai Ports World cooperates with, even going as far as to seek certificates of origin to ensure that no Israeli-made components are in any products coming into the dictatorship government-owned company's ports.
This means that those supporting the deal will be advocating that we allow a foreign company to violate our laws, thus showing us as inconsistent on Israel, and that misguided mindset is so ridiculously closedminded that they have consigned themselves to being prostitutes, because they love money, they are hypnotised by the almighty Dollar.
We will see how far that love for money goes in fighting terrorism if this deal goes through and terrorists sneak in, especially considering that so little of our cargo that goes through our ports is actually inspected...because it is too easy to manipulate shipping manifests and besides that if explosives or dirty nuclear materiel get through...and then a terrorist carried an attack on the Port of New York...then we would have an even bigger disaster than 11 September...and then the blood of thousands if not millions of innocents would forever blacken the money-loving prostitutes' hands.
And this is not prostitution in the literal sense so much as it is in the figurative sense: This form of prostitution is also just as deadly, even more than the literal form.
The risks are too high to allow a dictatorship government-run company to run a port especially when the dictatorship decapitates non-Muslims finances terrorist activity derecognises Israel and even forms an alliance with the Taleban.